Report an Incident

If you believe you have been the victim or witness of discrimination, harassment, or a hate crime, please fill out and submit an Incident Report Form with as much detail as possible.

NCCM advocates on behalf of those who identify as Canadian Muslims and who have experienced anti-Muslim discrimination, hate or bias domestically. We will review your incident report form, and if your matter falls within NCCM’s mandate, we will contact you to proceed with the next steps.

NCCM respects your privacy and confidentiality and will ensure that the information you share with us will not be shared with others without your consent.

** For further questions or inquiries, please contact us at

Islamophobia Incident Report

  • Include date, time, witnesses, and any details about religious discrimination.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I authorize NCCM to discuss the details of my case with third parties, as necessary, who may be able to provide further assistance in resolving my complaint.
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
    If file size is bigger than 256 MB please email