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For over a decade, NCCM has been helping to ensure that schools are places where all kids can learn, and where everyone can work free of harassment. We are standing up for kids, parents, and teachers through engaging in conversations, dialogue, advocacy, research, teaching, and training. We often deliver robust and cutting-edge training to promote equity and inclusion, and to combat Islamophobia. Our interactive seminars are designed to create an enriching and meaningful learning experience to help participants grow and learn. 
NCCM educates learners of all ages about their Islamophobia, diversity, and inclusion. Through its range of educational programs, NCCM encourages everyone in Canada – students, teachers, community members, workplaces, governments, and newcomers to Canada –  to understand more about Islamophobia, the diversity of the Canadian Muslim experience and perspectives, and what they can do to make positive change. 
We know that 42% of Canadians have negative perceptions of Canadian Muslims. That needs to change. The right to live with dignity belongs to all people living in Canada.

Developed and delivered by certified teachers, academics and lawyers, NCCM’s accessible and interactive education programming and resources are available for learners from kindergarten to grade 12, university students, community members, and everyone in the private and public sector.  

NCCM also offers professional development and training to groups and organizations that seek to examine how to make their workplaces better and more equitable for diverse folks. 



Everyday our education department gets calls from teachers, parents, and students about how they’ve been impacted by Islamophobia in their schools.  

We are available to help students and staff navigate these issues through an anti-racism and anti-islamophobia lens.  

One example of our advocacy is when a student flagged misleading content in Ontario Virtual School (OVS) course curriculum. NCCM immediately reached out to the school administration, to have the material removed as well as to provide the Ontario Virtual School with further assistance to ensure that such content never ends up in the course curriculum again.  

Another example of our advocacy is when an Islamophobic article was published by CMAJ, referring to the hijab as an “instrument of oppression”. We immediately launched a letter-writing campaign, urging CMAJ to remove the article, and commit to anti-Islamophobia training.