NCCM Research & Reports

Social Discord and Second-class Citizenship

The 2019 passage of Bill 21, An Act Respecting the Laicity of the State, has changed the lives of Muslims and other religious minorities in Quebec. Quebec public servants--including teachers, law enforcement, prosecutors, and many others--are barred from wearing religious symbols like the hijab, turban, or kippah, at work. This law has forced many Quebecers, including Muslim women, to choose between their faith and their careers. A year after its passage, the Covid 19 pandemic began and global industries were affected as lockdowns and vaccine mandates were imposed in ...

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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Network in Canada

The RSS, or Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, is one of the most influential non-government groups in the world. It’s also the mother organization behind the party currently governing India: the Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP. Yet outside of India, few know about the RSS, its agenda, and its ideas. Formed in the early 20th century, the RSS is a right-wing paramilitary organization that believes India should be run by and for its Hindu majority first and foremost. In such a vision, religious minorities in India, from Muslims, to Sikhs, to Christians, to Dalits, ...

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2011-2013 NCCM Review