
Basmah holds a Master of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto and served as the school’s MSA President where she led advocacy efforts among the university administration, developed partnerships with the broader community, and led a team of 50 volunteers. She has been the recipient of several awards and scholarships, including the University of Toronto Student Leadership Award and the Canada Graduate Scholarship.

Throughout her academic journey, Basmah became increasingly aware of the lack of understanding surrounding Muslim issues. To address this, she published articles in the Varsity, UofT’s newspaper and, in 2020, founded Humans of the Ummah (with the UofT MSA), which highlights the ongoing realities faced by Muslims locally and globally.

Basmah has also participated in advocacy and lobbying efforts on behalf of the Muslim community on Parliament Hill, at Queens Park and at many other avenues.

When she’s not on Zoom calls, Basmah enjoys cross-stitching, embroidery, and spending quality time with family and friends.