GTA Masjids Joint Letter
November 8th, 2023
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A2
We, the Mosque’s and Islamic Centres of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), and the surrounding areas representing over half a million Muslims across the GTA, will not stand idly by while ethnic cleansing and genocide is being broadcast by all forms of media in real-time. The United Nations (UN) has warned that Palestinians are in grave danger of mass ethnic cleansing. We have a duty and responsibility to harness our collective voices to shed light on this issue and our leaders must act immediately.
As the coalition of GTA Mosques – we stand for peace. For all people.
The undersigned call on you to show your humanity in the face of verified reports of mass killings in Gaza over the last month, with death tolls exceeding 10,000 civilians, with more than 4,000 children being killed. In addition to the thousands of lives lost, the people of Gaza have been cut off from the basics of humanity such as fuel, electricity, medicine, medical equipment, and water by the Israeli government. We have also witnessed reports of the internet being cut off preventing civilians in Gaza from being able to reach critical aid and intentionally blinding the world to the newly launched ground assault on besieged Palestinians.
In light of these facts, we are urging our community to stand firm for the following unequivocal asks to government:
1. Immediate and unconditional ceasefire;
2. Immediate restoration of aid, fuel, electricity, medicine, medical equipment, and water to Gaza; and
3. Clear condemnations of the actions being undertaken in violation of international law by the Israeli government.
As our elected officials, as Canadians, and most importantly as fellow human beings, it is a moral obligation for you to protect civilians subjected to the deplorable conditions described above. Time is of the essence, and our nation’s inaction will undoubtedly lead to further civilian deaths.
Do the right thing. Do it now. Too many lives have already been lost.
1. National Council of Canadian Muslims
2. Abu Huraira Center
3. AJR Islamic Foundation
4. Al Nadwa Mosque
5. Al Rayan Islamic Center – Courtice masjid
6. Al-Arqam Islamic Centre
7. Al-Huda Muslim Society
8. Anjuman-E Anwarul Islam of Malton (Malton Masjid)
9. Bait ul Mukarram Islamic Society
10. Canadian Council of Imams
11. Central Islamic Council of Guyana CIOG
12. Darul Khair Center Stouffville
13. Durham Islamic Center
14. George Town – Masjid Uthman
15. Huttonville mosque Brampton
16. Imdad ul Islam
17. International Muslims Organization of Toronto
18. IPC Jame Masjid Mississauga
19. Iqra Masjid
20. Islamic Center Of Markham
21. Islamic Centre of Oshawa
22. Islamic Foundation of Toronto
23. Islamic Institute of Toronto
24. Islamic Society of Ajax
25. Islamic Society Of Markham
26. Islamic Society of North America
27. Islamic Society of Toronto
28. Islamic Society Of Vaughan
29. Itrust Community center
30. Jama Masjid – Islamic Propagation Center of Ontario
31. Jame Abu Bakr Siddique
32. Justice for all Canada JFAC
33. Khalid Bin Al-Walid mosque
34. Madinah Masjid – Jamiat Ul Muslemin
35. Masjid Al Abedeen Islamic Research Center of Canada
36. Masjid Al Hidaya Toronto
37. Masjid Al Jannah
38. Masjid El Noor
39. Masjid Omar Farooq
40. Masjid Ul Taqwa
41. Masjid ur Rahmah
42. Nadwa Islamic Center
43. New Market Islamic Center
44. Omar bin Khattab
45. Oshawa Mosque
46. Peel Islamic Cultural Center
47. Pickering Islamic Centre (Masjid Usman)
48. Sayedah Khadijah Center
49. St. Thomas Islamic Association
50. Subhan Islamic Association
51. Syedah Khadijah Center
52. Syyadina Omar Farooq Scarborough
53. Toronto Islamic Center and Community Services
54. West End Islamic Center