Canada Must Condemn The Horrifying Statements From Israel’s Leaders

Action Alert: Send a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau To Condemn the Comments of War Crimes and Ethnic Cleansing Israel Made

Leaders at the top of the Government of Israel have been calling for the most egregious forms of violence to be visited against the people of Gaza.

This includes calls for ethnic cleansing. It also includes words that severely dehumanize the humanity of Palestinians. This language fuels the flames of hateful violence.

And they have put those words into action with estimates of 12,000+ killed in Gaza and hundreds more in the occupied West Bank.

These leaders are now promising to continue this after the truce is over.

Tell PM Justin Trudeau, his government, and all elected leaders in Canada to explicitly condemn this violent language from Israeli leaders.

We need peace in Gaza. We need a permanent ceasefire now.

Send a letter today!