Open Letters & Position Statements

Open Letter to the Crown Regarding it’s Decision to Withdraw Lorna Bernbaum’s Charges

November 1, 2024 Crown Attorney's Office Courthouse Ste. 3225 161 Elgin St. Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2K1 VIA EMAIL: cc., Dear Mr. Downey, Re: The Crown’s Decision to Withdraw Lorna Bernbaum’s Charges We, representing hundreds of groups across Ontario and Canada, write to express our profound disappointment and outrage at the decision to withdraw the assault and harassment charges against Lorna Bernbaum, who violently attacked a Muslim woman, pulling off her hijab, during a demons...

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National Charities and organizations have called upon Canada to establish an emergency relief fund for Gazan families

To: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Cc: Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada and Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Cc: All Premiers in Canada For over 6 months, Palestinian families fleeing back to Canada, whether citizens or family members of citizens, have fled what the International Court of Justice has called a plausible genocide.  Muslim community organizations have been supporting hundreds of Canadian families fleeing back to Canada. Over 80% of all Palestinians who have arrived in Canada ...

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Joint Letter from Alberta Organizations on brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters at the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta

Dear Minister Amery, We are shocked at the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters at the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta by the Calgary Police Service (CPS) and the Edmonton Police Service (EPS). This is not the first time law enforcement authorities have used excessive force to respond to peaceful protesters exercising their fundamental right to peacefully assemble, and we are deeply concerned by this dangerous pattern of behaviour.  Hundreds of students across Canada and thousands around the world are peacefully protesting the wholesale ...

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400+ Canadian Organizations Call for Canada to Take Action on the Recent Atrocities that have Developed in Palestine

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, The past few months have seen only increasing horror as the people of Gaza continue to suffer ethnic cleansing at the hands of Israeli forces in what the ICJ calls a “plausible genocide”. Over 30,000 Palestinians have died in Gaza since last October. Canadians of every race, religion, and creed throughout our country have been deeply affected by the loss of all innocent life, including the tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza who have fallen victim to the collective punishment imposed upon them by the Netanyahu government. Millions ...

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250+ Canadian Organizations Calling For Canada to Support ICJ Proceedings and International Law

For the past three months, violence, starvation, disease, and death have been inflicted upon the people of Gaza by Israel in ways that continue to shock Canadians and the international community. The far-right Netanyahu government has led a campaign that has killed over 22,000 civilians in Gaza, almost a third of whom are children. Ample evidence has been provided in detail in the application put forward by South Africa of war crimes, and the intention to commit war crimes, against the Palestinian people by the Netanyahu government. To be clear, these genocidal intentions ...

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The Gaza Strip is falling into a complete humanitarian disaster due to the invasion by the military forces of Israel, along with non-stop aerial bombardment. Over 17,000 people have been killed in Gaza, including children. Disease is rampant, food and water is scarce, hospitals have been reduced to rubble, and over a million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes in just over two months. It is time for this bloodshed to come to an end. It is time for Canada to stand for a permanent ceasefire and to make such a call on the world stage. This is why you ...

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Open Letter – Bombing of Hospital in Gaza City

Today, Israeli forces bombed the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza City. At least 500 people have died as a result, including children. Other estimates put the casualty number even higher.  This is a war crime. It must be condemned.  We, the undersigned, are asking you and the leaders in this country to publicly and clearly condemn it.  The bombing is one major war crime committed amidst the continuous bombing of the Gaza Strip by Israeli military forces.  The number of innocent people, including children, who have perished because of the ongoing bombing campaign ...

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Lettre ouverte: Collège Citoyen

Nous sommes les parents de six filles musulmanes qui fréquentent le Collège Citoyen, une école secondaire située dans la ville de Laval, au Québec.  Nous espérons que cette lettre commune de notre part vous aidera à comprendre l'incident traumatisant et frustrant que toutes nos familles ont vécu ces derniers jours.  Nos filles portent le hijab (voile musulman) et jusqu'au 5 septembre, elles pouvaient le porter au Collège Citoyen sans problème.  Mais de manière humiliante, plusieurs vice-directeurs du collège ont rencontré nos filles le lendemain (6 ...

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Open Letter: College Citoyen

(French Version) We are the parents of six Muslim girls who attend College Citoyen, a middle school in the City of Laval, Quebec.  We hope that this joint letter from all of us will help you understand the traumatic and frustrating incident that all our families went through in recent days.   Our daughter wear the hijab (Muslim headscarf) and Until to Sept 5th, they could wear their hijabs at College Citoyen, no problem.   But in a humiliating turn, several Vice Principals of the College met our daughters the day after (Sept. 6th) and told them that they ...

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Open Letter to Alberta Government on Efforts to Tackle Racism

On July 18, 2017, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) issued an open letter to Alberta's Premier Rachel Notley with respect to the government's announcement that it would undertake consultations on concerns about racism and Islamophobia in the province of Alberta. Earlier in July, the NCCM Calgary Committee held a meeting with Alberta Labour Minister Christina Grey to discuss the government's anti-racism consultations and raise concerns about the increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes and hate incidents in Alberta. Read the Open Letter.

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